Supporting a KC Running Icon

If you’ve run in Kansas City, you’ve likely run with Scott Green, a.k.a. The Bearded Runner.

Scott has been an avid member of the Kansas City running community for years, and he recently recieved some serious news: he is currently living with stage 4 colon cancer.

If you’ve ever participated in a running group in the Kansas City metro, you’ve probably met Scott. He’s a warm, welcoming face and a source of positivity in the running community all across the KC area. Over the years, Scott has served as an ambassador for countless races, raising money for several worthy charities in the process - our own included.

Scott has been a huge supporter of Hearts for RMHC since the very beginner, and one of our most active and engaged ambassadors for the race (our largest fundraiser each year) and our organization overall.

We are saddened by the news of Scott’s diagnosis, but we know if anyone can face it with strength and will, it’s him. If you’d like to contribute to Scott’s mounting cost of medical care, please visit the Scott Green The Bearded Runner, Cancer Treatment GoFundMe page.